Socially healthy, Livable, Innovative, huMan-oriented
Project info
Project info
Title: SMART Participation: A tool for participatory designing of smart, healthy neighborhoods for seniors
Duration: 2020-2021
Contact person: Masi Mohammadi
Leading partner: Chair Smart Architectural Technologies, TU/e
Subsidy provider: NWO VerDus SURF (Smart Urban Regions of the Future) Pop Up (project number 438.19.177)
Resident participation, how do you do it?
Designing a SLIM neighborhood requires a different approach to direct resident involvement compared to regular residential areas. To encourage and support ownership and solidarity in this SLIH neighborhood, involving (vulnerable) senior target groups throughout the entire design and development process of this neighborhood is crucial. However, due to the diversity of needs, preferences, and capacities within this target group, this is a complex process. A practical guide to shaping systematic involvement is still missing.
Therefore, in the subproject ‘SLIM Participation: A tool for participatory designing of smart neighborhoods for seniors,’ research has been conducted on how this process can be organized. For this purpose, the co-creation tool ‘SMART Participation’ has been developed to involve residents extensively in the design process of a SLIH neighborhood.
On this page, you can find the results and products of the subprojects ‘SMART Participation: A tool for participatory designing of smart neighborhoods for seniors’ and ‘Shaping smart neighborhoods for healthy aging
Research team Masi Mohammadi (TU/e)
Ir. Anne Grave PDEng (TU/e)
Ir. Sophie Peters (TU/e)
Thanks to dr. Lex van Delden (Leyden Academy), drs. Anja van Lier (Wooninc.), Vivian Poulussen (Oktober) and the residents of Malvalaan.